The smell and feel of vintage products, ads, toys just bring me back. Thats why I own original posterboards of Ameila Earhart and Pablo Picasso from the "Think different" Apple ad campaign. Also I keep my sega genesis with street fighter 2.
When web 2.0 and old skool play together, the results are genious, and thats why I'm happy about my muxtape.
muxtape.com provides a clean, simple, interface (web 2.0 out the wazoo) while kickin' it old skool with mixtapes, which are very personal and come from the heart.
Muxtapes are in. Here's mine.
how is it web2.0? There's no social features, no tag driven search, no API and almost no ajax.
Which is good, I think the designers made a point of leaving that stuff out when they copied the cool music stuff from imeem.com
Well, I said Web 2.0 in the sense that it's a new idea of a website. I don't think everything needs social networking or api's and ajax to qualify as a web 2.0.
Although I do understand what your saying, there are almost no features whatsoever, but maybe in the future?
thanks for the feedback anon.
It's not a new idea though, everything that muxtape does is a subset of what imeem.com does. People have been posting their favorite tunes and mixes to imeem for 2 years now. In that time there have been plenty of other sites cloning this functionality - projecplaylist, seeqpod, finetune, mixwith, sonific, boomshuffle etc etc
Actually, now I think about it, the popularity or muxtape amongst web2.0 bloggers is fascinating.
Think about this, muxtape essentially took the most popular feature - playlists - from the most popular web 2.0 music site - imeem.com - and then stripped out almost everything web 2.0 from it (social features, tagging, APIs, embedding etc etc).
Part of the appeal certainly comes from leaving out the Ad's but muxtape is going to have to come up with a way to pay for all this eventually.
I didn't really have to much exp. with imeem to be honest, but I have enjoyed Anywhere.fm which I have roughly 5000 songs, but the interface is so clunky compared to muxtape.
But you are right again, muxtape will have to find a way to pay for everything, but thats pretty standard protocol for a web startup.
If muxtape is not web 2.0, and it most certainly is not web 3.0, could it be web 2.5?
Nah you're going the wrong way, it's more like web 1.5, there were music sites with embedded players back during dotcom 1.0, remember mp3.com?
Interesting you mention Anywhere.fm, I believe they were acquired by imeem
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